Tuesday, June 13, 2006

email dated 13th June 2006

pankaj mody modyps@gmail.com

copy of letter despatched to Deputy of Commissioner of Police Zone 1 annexed herewith
pankaj mody modyps@gmail.com

Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 9:51 PM

To: cor-city-ahd@gujarat.gov.in

From Pankaj S Mody
2nd Floor Janmangal Apt
40 Brahman Mitra Mandal Society
Ahmedabad 380006
email modyps@gmail.com

13th June 2006

The Police Commissioner

Respected Sir,

I am annexing enclosure of copy of letter addressed to Deputy Commissoner of Police Shri Jadeja dated 13th June 2006. The contents of the enclosure letter are self explanatory.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police - Zone 1 , Shri Jadeja has given instructions to Mr. Chudasma - Vejalpur Police station on 3rd June 2006 to investigate the matter with five days. My statement was recorded on 5th June 2006 by the writer Mr. Babulal attached with Vejalpur Police station.

Mr. Babulal (writer ) affiliated with Vejalpur Police station has been negligent and incompetent to look into the matter promptly and has been negligent and indifferent and lacks the competency to investigate the matter promptly.

I would appreciate very much if you would kindly look into the matter and take all necessary action in light of contents of my letter as annexed herewith.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Pankaj S Mody

Enclosure :-

From Pankaj S Mody
2nd Floor , Janmanagal Apt
40 Brahman Mitra Mandal Soc
Paldi , Ahmedabad 380 006

June 13, 2006

The Deputy Commissioner of Police
Navrangpura Police station

Dear Shri Jadejasaheb ,


This is in reference to the inquiry on the above subject for which you have been kind enough to give prompt instructions on 3r June 2006 to Shri Chudasma at VejalPur Police station and for that I was called by Shri Chudasma right on 5th June 2006 and I had personally gone to meet him on the same day and had given my statement while explaining the details.

When I had met you in person yesterday and had explained to you of the evasive and vague replies of Mr. Babulalal ( writer) at Vejalpur station which raises doubt as to whether he is correct in his reply( "that there was no chawkidar present in the said bunglow and no one was staying in the adjoining bunglow"} and when at all material time there is chowkidar in the bunglow and in the adjoining bunglow the owner thereof is staying thereat with his family . He ( Mr. Babulal -the writer) could not tell me on what date he had sent any personnel for such investigation and who was sent.

I had also drawn your kind attention that on account of the said bunglow being located new Ramdev Nagar Police station , it would be more convenient to conduct necessary inquiry from this Ramdev Nagar Police station itself .

I met you today once again and you stated that you are not in a position to side track Mr. Chudasma as Ramdevnagar Police station falls under jurisdiction of Shri Chudasma ( Vejalpur).

In this regard I would like to state that I cannot afford going to and fro to Vejalpur police station and deal with ineffective person like Babulal ( the writer) who does not understand the seriousness of need for investigation at lightining speed especially when one is dealing with land mafia who can pose great threat to my life as well as others. Further I am not aware whether Mr. Babulal ( the writer) is competent to deal effectively with the situation when he has been evasive and indifferent to my inquiry, yesterday.

Under such circumstances , I humbly request you that the further investigation in this matter be carried out at Navrangpura under your competent supervision and in my presence for sake of clarity and transparency and for my safety.

I therefore urge you to find a way out for the sake of efficacy , urgency and importance of security measures and on the grounds of compassion as I am homeless and reunite my broken family.

I had gone yesterday evening with Mr. Bhatti ( a police personnel directed by Police Inspector from new Ramdev Nagar Police station) to the referred bunglow and who had collected the name given of chawkidar ( from chawkidars wife) as one Mr. Shankar and she stated that they were looking after the same bunglow on the instructions of Munna.And she had given mobile number of Mr. Tushar , a friend of aforesaid Mr. Munna .

The above information could have been obtained by any competent personnel from the vejalpur police station by directing Ramdevnagar Police chawky in five minutes with expense of Rs 10 rickshaw and instead I had to go all the way to Vejalpur Police station and then to Ramdevnaga Police station incurring around Rs 300 rickshaw expense and about five hours of my time at a time when I am unable to afford such heavy expenses.

Kindly be informed that the aforesaid Munna is pet name of Mr. Nishit Chavada who has grabbed the possession of the said bunglow.

Your urgent attention would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely,

Pankaj S Mody


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