Friday, June 30, 2006

email to Police commissioner ahemdabad on 30th June 2006

Gmail pankaj mody

SOS Message:- Would Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad draw lessons from Pankaj Trivedi’s case so that other crusader PANKAJ is not killed , harassed or tortured on account of negligence of not interrogating land mafia Nishit Pethalji Chavada inspite o

pankaj mody Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 1:28 PM
To:,,,, narendrabhai d modi
Cc:,, sucheta dalal ,, MEDIA_Tehelka , gujaratsamachar , divyabhaskar ,,, "" ,, "" , "" ,, dhruv chauhan , Yogesh Pratap Singh , HUM_Rahul_Mangaonkar ,,, Jai-hind ,

SOS Message:- Would Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad draw lessons from Pankaj Trivedi's case so that other crusader Pankaj is not killed , harassed or tortured on account of negligence of not interrogating land mafia Nishit Pethalji Chavada inspite of instructions from the Chief Minister ???

From: Pankaj S Mody

Email :

Mobile number :- 94270-26109

29th June 2006,

For the immediate personal attention of Shri Kaushik , Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad.

The Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad



Respected Sir,

This is in continuation of the email dated 15th June 2006 sent earlier to you.

  1. Just like Mr Pankaj Trivedi is a crusader and whistleblower, I am similar crusader and whistleblower and was one of the pioneers which blew whistle against Jatin Jalundhwala of Core Healthcare colluding with Global Trust Bank to create false documentation of creation of charge of Rs 12.5 crores on immoveable property.

  1. At the outset let me give an instance of low caliber of the staff at Navrangpura Police station who have asked the Ellisbridge police station to record my statement through Chadavad on account of my email of thanks sent to the Chief Minister of Gujarat as annexed herewith. The email dated is being placed in form of link as under:-

  1. From the newspaper report , the Police Inspector of Ellisbridge Police has been negligent in his duties as reported in local news papers and who was investigating the case involving the killing of Mr. Pankaj Trivedi. He has also failed in his duties even when the directions of Chief Minister of Gujarat were given to Home department and subsequently the same was passed to Paldi Police chawky coming under jurisdiction of Ellisbridge Police station. I am annexing two relevant links for your immediate attention. The Ellisbridge Police station has not taken any appropriate steps to extend protection inspite of copy of letter addressed to them along with the names of the persons

  1. How can we expect to trust when various police officers and expect safety from them when the police officers do not know how to interpret what is written and for them every document or correspondence is greek and latin. How do we expect that they will not take bribes in to day's world of galloping inflation.How can they be relied upon to conduct inquiry which involves police remand when they do not understand language and the basics at all. How is it being ensured that they will not take bribes from rich and famous. What methods are being implemented to verify their literacy by citizens groups so that the innocent people and their families are not harassed.

  1. How can we rely on Police administration where the sensitive issues involving names of land mafia gets leaked to any tom ,dick and harry and the risk of possible damage in form of death, harassment or torture that can be caused to me and family members.

  1. I look forward to your prompt reply and you as a responsible Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad would be solely responsible for negligence in performing duties incase any of my family member as well as the undersigned gets killed , harassed or tortured on account of land mafia grabbing the possession of Amrashagun bunglow by taking law in his hands.

  1. Please do not blame me if any harassment , torture , or death that can happen to me and /or any family member and haunts you for rest of your life on account of negligence and carelessness on your part from now onwards if you do not repair and mend situation that has been caused on account of sloth and in competency of various police administration.

  1. Kindly see that you do not play with the lives of the whistleblowers and crusaders after having experienced the death of whistleblower cum crusader Mr. Pankaj Trivedi on account of negligence on the part of administration working under you. Any damage in any form to another whistleblower / crusader named Pankaj Mody ( that is the undersigned and my family members)would tarnish your name irreparably especially after the present precautionary message.

  1. It is therefore humbly requested that suitable steps to ruthlessly interrogate Nishit Pethalji Chavada and the chowkidar residing in Bunglow 1 of Amrashagun extensively and minutely forthwith on receipt of present email.

  1. It is expected of you to restore my possession rights of the bunglow grabbed by land mafia Nishit Pethalji Chavada in light of instructions from responsible Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat

  1. For an elderly person each penny spent on writing to the Police administration is painful and hence be kind to have a policy that the same is recovered from the salary from the all concerned officers by fining them sufficiently and recovering it from their salary so that other persons in the city do not have to go through such agony and anguish for bearing expense of typing and dispatching to various persons and such expense can run from Rs 50 to Rs 300. You can imagine that inspite of endless communication the Police department does not move an inch unless police is being paid handsome bakshish. Only thing that is happening is endless internal written reports. Very soon Gujarat is going to have the Honour of super ceding Bihar state if one sits down and notes the change of events happening in this city and timidity on part of Police administration to interrogate powerful and influential figures such as Nishit Pethalji Chavada.

  1. The present email is being communicated to large number of media persons today itself and hence it is expected that suitable action steps begin today itself on a war footing before more damage is to me and my family members.

I humbly request you to furnish detailed steps taken in this regard while ensuring safety measures to protect the lives of the undersigned as well as my family members. I have started feeling the foul play of my opponents already named in my communication in July 2005 and I am able to feel its impact on account of various methods and forces being used to silence me and my family members.

Thanking you.

Yours most respectfully,

Pankaj S Mody

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: pankaj mody <>
Date: Jun 15, 2006 7:09 PM

From : Pankaj S Mody

2nd Floor , Jnamangal Apt

40 Brahman Mitra Mandal Soc

Paldi , Ahmedabad 380 006


15th June 2006,




Respected Sir,

I am enclosing copy of email sent to the Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat for your information and prompt action for effective investigation forthwith ( pending with Vejalpur Police station) so as to restore the possession of Amrashagun Bunglow near New RamdevNagar Police Station near Iskon .

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Pankaj S Mody

Mobile no 94270-26109

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: pankaj mody <>
Date: Jun 15, 2006 6:37 PM
To: CM Gujarat <>

From : Pankaj S Mody

2nd Floor , Janmangal Apt

Near Kutchi Samaj Hall

40 Brahman Mitra Mandal Society,


Ahmedabad 380 006

Email :-

Mobile:- 94270-26109

The Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat

Government of Gujarat


Respected Sir,


This is in reference to the directions given to Navrangpura Police station pursuant to my Email dated April 19 , 2006 to your Honor for restoration of possession of Amrashagun Bunglow grabbed by land mafia Mr. Nishit Pethalji Chavada and subsequently the matter was being looked into by Shri Jadeja , Deputy Commissioner of Police – Zone 1 at Navrangpura Police Station by assigning the same to Vejalpur Police Station on 3-6-2006.

All the good efforts put by the Honorable Chief Minister's office and his immediate subordinates and the present Deputy Commissioner of Police is going down the drain when Mr. Babulal ( writer working with Vejalpur Police station under Mr, Chudasma) is not taking prompt action to investigate the matter especially when the Vejalpur Police station was directed to submit the report within five days . A citizen expects prompt action at lowest level of functioning and expects results from them. Elie Wiesel said : Indifference to me , is the epitome of Evil and that is what exactly Mr. Babulal ( the aforesaid writer) 's indifference has caused Investigating matter placed in the hands of Mr. Babulal and others like him would reflect badly of the Police force's competency. This should not be accepted by higher echelon of the Police force and / or the leaders . They should take appropriate steps to ensure effective management of police investigation and at all material time sloth and lethargy on the lower echelon of the police should be minimized by non-toleration of the same from the effective leaders like you.

It appears that Deputy Commissioner of Police - Mr. Jadeja is a gentle and mild person and hence, he tolerates the indifference and sloth as well as Hoti Hai Chalti Hai attitude prevalent at Vejalpur Police station. This has to change if one has to supervise Megacity. This may be bitter truth but such outward hardness on the part of Mr, Jadeja would generate rich dividends in long run for him as well as Government of Gujarat.

In order that there is ripple effect at lower level there has to be monitoring cell at Gandhinagar itself so that they can question Mr. Chudasma and Mr Babulal (the aforesaid writer) directly at Vejalpur Police station ( their phone number is 26813802 ) and also request the Deputy Commissioner of Police ( their phone number is 26460193 ) to give oral report to Monitoring cell directly under Chief Minister's Secretariat Supervision instead of relying on written reports which are slow , ineffective and can be manipulated so that ground situation do not reflect in the same.

The land mafia like Mr. Nishit Chavada can prove to be dangerous for small families like mine when the investigation is slow and carried out indifferently and in a Hoti Hai Chalti Hai manner.

When persons like Mr. Babulal (the aforesaid writer) etc are the real hurdles in Police investigation and their sloth and lethargical attitude causes them to overlook and /or disregard the instructions of the Honorable Chief Minister. Such people would behave horrendously with any ordinary citizen.

Sir , I cannot afford to rely on such Babulal ( the aforesaid wirter) at Vejalpur Police station who do not communicate nor revert back by calling me on the mobile number that is with them already and when Vejalpur Police station does not ask Ramdevnagar police station to investigate the matter and interrogate Mr. Nishit Chavda, his chowkidar , the Society officials where the bunglow is situated and staff who issued notice for shortfall in stamp duty , the concerned Income tax officials who gave their consent overnight, etc. By now Nishit Chavada and his chowkidar would have been grilled and questioned by competent police officers instead of aforesaid Mr. Babulal as Mr. Nishit Chavada had breached court's injunction (for status quo then obtained by me) and had taken the law in his hands by taking illegal possession of the bunglow Amrashagun and by throwing out my family household goods therein .I had already given on 18 th May 2006 copy of my telelgram addressed to the Police Commissioner on 19-7-2000 ( to prevent Nishit Chavada's trespass ) but Mr. Nishit Chavada proceeded the trespass , breached the court's injunction , threw out my household goods and took illegal possession of the said bunglow.

If such simple issues cannot be swiftly tackled by the Police administration , then people like Nishit Chavada can easily break the law and get away with it in such a situation how can you expect such police administration to protect the GARIMA and GAURAV OF FIVE CRORES OF CITIZENS IN GUJARAT.

I therefore humbly request you that your office talks directly with the Vejalpur Police station and Navarangpura Police Station to restore the possession of the said bunglow to me so that I can reunite my family and save the family from disaster.

Thanking you.

Yours most respectfully,

Pankaj S Mody.

Enclosed herewith email addressed to The Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad along with the letter addressed to Deputy Commissioner of Police - Zone 1 as annexed herewith under:-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: pankaj mody <>
Date: Jun 13, 2006 9:51 PM
Subject: copy of letter despatched to Deputy of Commissioner of Police Zone 1 annexed herewith

From Pankaj S Mody
2nd Floor Janmangal Apt
40 Brahman Mitra Mandal Society
Ahmedabad 380006
13th June 2006
The Police Commissioner
Respected Sir,
I am annexing enclosure of copy of letter addressed to Deputy Commissoner of Police Shri Jadeja dated 13th June 2006. The contents of the enclosure letter are self explanatory.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police - Zone 1 , Shri Jadeja has given instructions to Mr. Chudasma - Vejalpur Police station on 3rd June 2006 to investigate the matter with five days. My statement was recorded on 5th June 2006 by the writer Mr. Babulal attached with Vejalpur Police station.
Mr. Babulal (writer ) affiliated with Vejalpur Police station has been negligent and incompetent to look into the matter promptly and has been negligent and indifferent and lacks the competency to investigate the matter promptly.
I would appreciate very much if you would kindly look into the matter and take all necessary action in light of contents of my letter as annexed herewith.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Pankaj S Mody
Enclosure :-

From Pankaj S Mody

2nd Floor , Janmanagal Apt

40 Brahman Mitra Mandal Soc

Paldi , Ahmedabad 380 006

June 13, 2006

The Deputy Commissioner of Police

Navrangpura Police station


Dear Shri Jadejasaheb ,



This is in reference to the inquiry on the above subject for which you have been kind enough to give prompt instructions on 3r June 2006 to Shri Chudasma at VejalPur Police station and for that I was called by Shri Chudasma right on 5th June 2006 and I had personally gone to meet him on the same day and had given my statement while explaining the details.

When I had met you in person yesterday and had explained to you of the evasive and vague replies of Mr. Babulalal ( writer) at Vejalpur station which raises doubt as to whether he is correct in his reply( "that there was no chawkidar present in the said bunglow and no one was staying in the adjoining bunglow"} and when at all material time there is chowkidar in the bunglow and in the adjoining bunglow the owner thereof is staying thereat with his family . He ( Mr. Babulal -the writer) could not tell me on what date he had sent any personnel for such investigation and who was sent.

I had also drawn your kind attention that on account of the said bunglow being located new Ramdev Nagar Police station , it would be more convenient to conduct necessary inquiry from this Ramdev Nagar Police station itself .

I met you today once again and you stated that you are not in a position to side track Mr. Chudasma as Ramdevnagar Police station falls under jurisdiction of Shri Chudasma ( Vejalpur).

In this regard I would like to state that I cannot afford going to and fro to Vejalpur police station and deal with ineffective person like Babulal ( the writer) who does not understand the seriousness of need for investigation at lightining speed especially when one is dealing with land mafia who can pose great threat to my life as well as others. Further I am not aware whether Mr. Babulal ( the writer) is competent to deal effectively with the situation when he has been evasive and indifferent to my inquiry, yesterday.

Under such circumstances , I humbly request you that the further investigation in this matter be carried out at Navrangpura under your competent supervision and in my presence for sake of clarity and transparency and for my safety.

I therefore urge you to find a way out for the sake of efficacy , urgency and importance of security measures and on the grounds of compassion as I am homeless and reunite my broken family.

I had gone yesterday evening with Mr. Bhatti ( a police personnel directed by Police Inspector from new Ramdev Nagar Police station) to the referred bunglow and who had collected the name given of chawkidar ( from chawkidars wife) as one Mr. Shankar and she stated that they were looking after the same bunglow on the instructions of Munna.And she had given mobile number of Mr. Tushar , a friend of aforesaid Mr. Munna .

The above information could have been obtained by any competent personnel from the vejalpur police station by directing Ramdevnagar Police chawky in five minutes with expense of Rs 10 rickshaw and instead I had to go all the way to Vejalpur Police station and then to Ramdevnaga Police station incurring around Rs 300 rickshaw expense and about five hours of my time at a time when I am unable to afford such heavy expenses.

Kindly be informed that the aforesaid Munna is pet name of Mr. Nishit Chavada who has grabbed the possession of the said bunglow.

Your urgent attention would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely,

Pankaj S Mody


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